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Our Council's Namesake - Oblate Brother Anthony Kowalczyk
Our dinner meeting dates - The fourth Wednesday of each month
Contact our Field Agent, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
From left to right: Bro's. Mickey, Brad, Clem, Don, Eric, Steve, Gerry, Vittorio
Missing: Bro. Brian, Bro. Bruno, Bro. Cor
Venerable Brother Anthony!
Our namesake, Brother Anthony Kowalczyk has been declared Venerable by Pope Francis!
Read an update on this advancement towards sainthood in the recent article in the Calgary Sun:
Officially having "heroic virtue" means Brother Anthony, a Polish-born blacksmith-turned-priest who quietly toiled for 36 years in Alberta, is an important step closer to sainthood.
Keep those prayers coming!
Pro-life Project
"Help Save a Life"
Calendar project is now in it's 13th year!
Bishops Support for the 2013 Calendar. We have received letters of support for the worthwhile project from the following bishops:
- Archbishop Smith, Edmonton Archdiocese
- Biship Chatlain, Diocese of Mackenzie-Fort Smith
- Most Rev. David Motiuk, Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton
- Archbishop Pettipas, Grouad-McLennan Archdiocese
Backgrounder. In the spring of 2000, Brother Anthony Council #10014 (St. Albert, Alberta, Canada) undertook a pro-life calendar project and sought involvement from local junior high and high school students. It was a pilot project called "Help Save a Life," in which the most inspirational student submissions of art and poetry were selected and printed in a year 2001 calendar.
We believed that the voices of students, through their art and poetry, could "save life" and promote a positive attitude for life. It was our wish that those purchasing the calendar would place it in their kitchens or other prominent places and use it on a daily basis. In this way it was hoped that a pro-life attitude would be developed and nurtured.
International Recognition! The November 2000 issue of Columbia Magazine published a feature article on our freshly launched pilot project, the Pro-life Calendar for 2001. [An HTML version of the article is available here.]
The 2001 calendar was deemed to be a success! Almost $10,000 was generated from the sales and turned over to support pro-life activities in Alberta and the North West Territories!
Each year, thousands more have been raised by calendar sales and been directed toward pro-life initiatives in Alberta and NWT.
Here are the cover shots for the 12 years of Pro-Life calendars
(newest at the bottom)
Click here to view higher quality images of the first 10 years' cover art in PDF format.
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